Sinhala lama gee kurumbatti Machime Song

Sinhala lama gee-kurumbatti Machime


Sinhala lama gee kurumbatti Machime Song lyrics
Sinhala lama gee-kurumbatti Machime

Sinhala Kids song kurumbatti Machime

waththa pahala hama thanama awidalaa hoyagaththa man kurumbattayak
pol kolayak gena iratuwa galawa haduwa lassana kurumbatti machimak

tik tik tik tik hada wadi wenawa
nangith waththata duwagena enawa

matath ekak one kiyamin athe ellila
kamora denawa
kamora denawa

mage sudu nangita sudu gawumai
mage sudu ammata sudu hattei
ape thaththata sudu saramai
mahalaa dennam kurumbatti machimen
nangiye kurumbatti machimen

waththa pahala hama thanama awidalaa hoyagaththa man kurumbattiyak
pol kolayak gena iratuwa galawa haduwa lassana kurumbatti machimak

Sinhala lama gee kurumbatti Machime English Meaning

“Kurumbatti machime” is another lama gee song which was produced for little children. This song tells about a simple device which is built by children to play. This is made by the kurumbatti and adjusted in between ekles and able to rotate it. So it looks like a simple machine. And little children at past built this gadget and plays with it a lot.  This song says how children play with it. Little children happily play with this kurumbatti and enjoy.

Sinhala lama gee-kurumbatti Machime

This lama gee kathandara website is maintained to aware our kids about great songs which we had in our if you know about any similar good songs please contact us. We Highly believe content ownership and intellectual if you are the copyright owner of this song and you want to remove this song from our web site please contact us via then we can remove this page as soon as possible. We would like to inform that we don’t have any claiming rights to this song and what we have done is displaying the song only for informational or educational purpose.