When Zack woke up, something felt… different. He opened his eyes and gasped. He was on the ceiling!
Zack looked down (or was it up?) and saw his bed on the floor, way below him. His posters were upside down, and his toy cars were rolling around on the ceiling-turned-floor.
“Mom! Dad!” Zack called out. “I think I’m stuck on the ceiling!”
His parents rushed in, but they were walking on the ceiling too!
“Oh my,” said Mom, her hair hanging up towards the floor. “Looks like it’s an upside-down day!”
Getting dressed was tricky. Zack’s socks kept falling off towards the floor-ceiling. And breakfast? Don’t even ask about the cereal and milk!
At school, everything was topsy-turvy. The desks were stuck to the ceiling, and the teacher wrote on the upside-down blackboard with chalk that floated up instead of falling down.
During lunch, the kids had to eat their sandwiches very carefully so the fillings wouldn’t fall out. Drinking water was like doing a handstand!
PE class was the best. They played upside-down basketball, where you had to throw the ball down to get it in the hoop. Zack scored three upside-down slam dunks!
After school, Zack and his friends went to the playground. The swings swung up instead of down, and the slide was super fast because they slid up it!
When Zack got home, he found his dog, Buddy, running in circles on the ceiling. “Silly Buddy,” Zack laughed. “You’re chasing your tail the wrong way!”
At dinner, the family ate spaghetti that tried to escape up to the floor. They had to slurp really quick to catch it!
Finally, it was bedtime. Zack brushed his teeth with toothpaste that squeezed up instead of down, and put on his pajamas that tried to float away.
As he lay in his bed (still on the ceiling), Zack’s mom came to tuck him in.
“Mom,” Zack asked, “will everything be right-side up tomorrow?”
Mom smiled. “We’ll have to wait and see. But wasn’t today fun?”
Zack nodded, grinning. As he drifted off to sleep, he wondered what it would be like if tomorrow was a sideways day…
So, as you go to sleep tonight, think about how funny it would be if your day was upside-down. How would you eat your breakfast? How would you play with your toys? Sweet dreams, and don’t fall up!